For over 200 years the last Thursday of February has been set aside as a day to pray for the college campus. The campus that is a few blocks from your home. The campus that is located hundreds of miles from your city in a region of our country that has very little evangelical presence. The campus where you earned a degree. Collegiate Day of Prayer has a significant history in the spiritual awakenings that have been birthed in our nation on the college campuses.

Read more here!

Praying for those who leave for college campuses is very important, that is why, I believe every church should have at least one prayer campaign a year focused on college campuses.  If you want to launch a prayer campaign at your church, here is an idea.

Mark WhittMark Whitt writes about why the Collegiate Day of Prayer matters to your college ministry.   He is the Collegiate and Young Adult Specialist at LifeWay Christian Resources. Before joining LifeWay, he spent many years on the campus of Murray State University as a campus minister.

How To Help Young Adults Make Good Decisions

157774157Emerging adults face an endless array of possibilities.  For those who are not equipped to face these decisions, the job can become over-whelming.  Earlier this week, I wrote on Six Reasons why Decision-making is so difficult for Emerging Adults.

As a follow-up, I wanted to provide you with a little support for those trying to equip your adult children.  I like this article, because it provides guidance for parents and mentors without taking over the process or providing answers.  His three points are:

1.  Encourage young adults to seek God’s heart.

2.  Encourage young adults to “not settle.”

3.  Encourage young adults to follow through.

There is much more that needs to be said on the topic of helping Emerging adults, and I am thankful for his willingness to be apart of the conversation.

Here is the beginning of the article…

Decisions. During the course of a single day, we make decisions from the time we open our eyes in the morning until the time we go to sleep. We make all kinds of decisions–as insignificant as what color socks to wear to healthy lifestyle decisions like choosing between a chocolate cupcake or a banana to more significant decisions that affect the course of life such choosing to take the job or stay where you are.  (More…)

Mark Whitt is the Collegiate and Young Adult Specialist at LifeWay Christian Resources. The article comes from threads by LifeWay.