Still Asking, “Who am I?”

Who am I?

Is this just a question for adolescents as they seek to find a seat in the junior high lunch room?  Or fit in among the various high school peer groups?  Or is it a question asked by emerging adults as they try to set a course for their life?  It is a question that all people ponder at various points in their lives, regardless of age.  I know there are many days when I ask myself that question (and I am way beyond the EA years.)

Asking who we are springs from our human desire for individuality, or to be known (by ourselves and others).  We do not want to be lost in a crowd, but desire to be unique and known.  Identity formation is the process of developing a distinct personality in which characteristics are possessed and by which a person is recognized or known.  Concepts within identity formation include:  vocation, personality, sexuality, community, affiliation, values, and beliefs.  Developing one’s identity provides a sense of continuity, a sense of uniqueness from others, and the ability to seek affiliation.  Identity formation is crucial to maturation and personal well-being.

Identity formation has often been seen as something done during the adolescence and confirmed by early adulthood.  Recently, the concept of identity formation being completed by early adulthood has come under scrutiny.  Although adolescence and emerging adulthood appear to be the lifestages when many crucial decisions are indeed faced, identity formation develops throughout an individual’s lifetime.  Speaking on identify formation, Schweitzer notes,

…identity formation turns out to be a flexible and, most likely, a lifelong process.  As the experience of transitional periods in life has multiplied-with changes of profession, new trainings, second and third marriages, and so forth—the need to rework and to reestablish one’s identity has also become an enduring task never to be quite completed.  (Schweitzer, 2004)

 Identity formation is not a single task, or something that is completed during adolescence, but is something that continues throughout the individual’s life.

In our world, many adults are judged who make changes in later life stages.  They are often accused of having a mid-life crisis, or being shifty, disingenuine, or flaky.  While there are people who experience mid-life crisis, the human ability to adapt at any age is healthy.    The ability to adapt is a survival skill, rather than a weakness.  I know that I am not the same person that I was in high school or college.  Making changes in our lives reflect the continual maturation we do as humans, and the sanctification we experience as Christians.

Did Jesus experience a mid-life crisis?  He changed from Galilean carpenter to Savior of the World.  At all stages of life, Jesus followed the will of His father.

Exploring new directions in life is not a crisis, but could be the leading of God in your life.

Asking who you are is not a reason to panic.  Decide today who you want to be.  Tomorrow that may change, and that is okay.  Through it all, I am “in Christ” which established my purpose and value, and I have surrendered my life to Him.  All the other things in life, I am allowed to change.


The Postmodern Life Cycle:  Challanges for Church and Theology by Schweitzer.

How does being “in Christ” help me figure out who I really am?

fish_schoolAsking who we are flows from our human desire for individuality, or to be known (by ourselves and others).  Nobody wants to be forgotten or lost in a crowd.  Identity formation, is the process of developing a distinct personality in which characteristics are possessed and by which a person is recognized or known.  Concepts included within identity formation includes: vocation, personality, sexuality, community, affiliation, values, and beliefs.  Developing one’s identity provides a sense of continuity, a sense of uniqueness from others, and the ability to seek affiliation.  Identity formation is crucial to maturation and personal well-being.

Sometimes Christian expressions become popularized, over-used, and abused (anyone remember WWJD bracelet fad?).  Although many of them have good origins, they can also lead to undesirable out-comes.  One expression that has been linked to identity formation by Christians is “in Christ.”  The phrase is usually accompanied by a long list of the verses that refer to believers (Search the Web for Identity in Christ Bible Verses – if you want to see such a list.)  The list is meant to remind us of the source of our identity, and can be very helpful for many Christians.

However for me, I lost myself in that list.  I felt that being in Christ meant that anything beyond the list was useless and lacked meaning.  Instead of seeing my identity in Christ as a spring board, it became a cage.

As Christians, we believe that we should be shaped into the image of Christ.  Sometimes, within our churches, we attempt to over-simplify the process of identity formation.  We narrow it down into a single statement such as, “Your identity comes from Christ alone.”  However does Jesus Christ make decisions for them including their vocational choices, personality features, clothing and music preferences?  The concept of being found “in Christ” does not form our identity, but gives us the basis from which these decisions are made.

The concept of being “in Christ” is helpful in that it reminds us that our sense of worth doesn’t come from what we choose to like, to be, to wear, or do for a living.  Our worth comes from the fact that we are God’s Creation and His workmanship.  Ephesians 2:10 says that “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”  This verse reveals that our worth and purpose comes from being in Him.

The concept of being “in Christ” does not determine every decision of life.  For example, if I need to decide between becoming a farmer or fireman, Jesus doesn’t tell me the answer.  While Jesus did give us some guidelines by which to live by, there are many choices that are not discussed.

Growing up in a Christian realm, I felt as if I had lost the freedom to choose as part of being “in Christ.”  Few choices were amoral, but were either right or wrong – decided for me by a rigid morality system (my music, vocation, clothing…).  Once I surrendered to Christ, my will was replaced by his will.  I operated under the premise that it was ungodly to think about what I wanted to do, but only about what God wanted me to do.  I never thought about what I wanted to do for a living, but assumed God called me to be a pastor because I was “in Christ.”

Simply put – I was really messed up. 

I had lost the freedom to choose.  I thought I had to give up my freedom in order to follow Christ.  But it wasn’t true.   A concept that was supposed to bring joy and freedom brought me captivity.  There is a need to define the freedom that comes from being “in Christ.”  Freedom from sin, freedom from condemnation, and especially freedom to be fully me.

You get to make decisions in life as to who you want to be.  You are never trapped.  You can be what you want.   You still have to choose.

Or better yet – You get to choose!

May your identity “in Christ” be a spring board as you experience freedom with Him.