“Adulting” Schools – for Emerging Adults

“Adulting” almost became the international word of the years.  Some schools have popped over the country in order to teach emerging adults how to be an adult.  I believe churches could also offer “adulting” seminars and conferences.  If your community is interested, you can contact me at gdavid@earesources.org.

It’s not that hard to figure out how to fold a fitted sheet.
Google it and you’ll get more than 2 million results. There are more than 35,000 results on YouTube, with the top video clocking more than 15 million views.
But it is one of those basic life skills that, along with cooking dinner, figuring out health insurance or changing a flat tire, falls within the world of “adulting” — a self-deprecating term to describe the vast universe of things millennials should know how to do but probably don’t. The Adulting School says it’s not their fault, and wants to help them figure it out.

Here is the rest of the article. 

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