Emerging adults are leaving the church. If this is new information to you then, please read THIS.
If you believe it isn’t true, please read THIS.

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I have used the term to describe this transition as, “The Millennial Exodus.” Many authors, bloggers, pastors, and church leaders have written on this topic. If you want to see some of these various articles, I have have them tagged as the ” Millennial Exodus.”
Here is a new voice to add to the discussion by Doug Devor. The full article is HERE.
The reasons given by the author are:
1. We are overprotective. As the church we need to allow young people to take the reins and take imaginative risks. (I agree! Young Adults should be given full Autonomy!)
2.We are shallow. As the church we need to focus on the depth of discipleship instead of the number attending our programs.
3.We are anti-science. As the church we need to help foster the idea that science and faith are not incompatible.
4.We are repressive. As the church we need to focus less on the rules that people should follow and more on the grace that Christ provides.
5.We are exclusive. As the church we need to invite people in and actually want them to stay, no matter who they are. We need to be more open-minded, tolerant and accepting.
6. We are doubtless. As the church we need to let young people doubt and then answer the hard questions that they have about faith.
If you are a Millennial, and you would like to add your voice to the conversation. Please contact me at gdavid@earesources.org. Here is a link to receive more information.