McDonalds faces ‘Millennial’ Problem

I am a pretty big fan of McDonalds.  I was actually there early this morning.  Sitting at a hightop table working on my computer while sipping my large sweet tea and making good use of their free wifi.

So I am sad to hear the news that McDonalds sales are slumping due to the majority of Millennials who prefer other restaurants (however, I won’t be losing any sleep over it).  Here is the article.  McDonalds must make changes and shift with the changing culture if it wants to stay at the top of the industry.

While it is not important to me whether or not Millennials are going to McDonalds, it does bother me to know that so many emerging adults are leaving the Church behind.  I believe that a spiritual community is foundation for a follower of Christ.

This week, I am consulting with a church in Austin, MN.  This church has a desire to reach the Millennials in their town, and I look forward to how God is going to speak to us.

If your church is interested in reaching the Millennials in your community but doesn’t know where to begin, please let me know.  I would love the opportunity to come alongside your group as we seek to reach a new generation.

david in hat - blackDr. G. David Boyd is the Founder and Managing Director of EA Resources.  If you are interested in having him speak to your community about Millennals, and how your church can build a ministry to emerging adults, you can contact him at


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